5,449 research outputs found

    Devising the ludoclip: a video ludic approach to the cinematography and rhythm of the music video

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2021/2022This document presents the technical report of the Final Degree Project "Devising the ludoclip: a video ludic approach to the cinematography and rhythm of the music video", which focuses on the exploration of the commercial, artistic and ludic possibilities of the interactive music video, as well as on the limits of the application of video game development methodologies to the cinematographic field and vice versa. For this purpose, and according to specific rules and needs, the work conceives a new type of audiovisual work, halfway between the music video and the musical game, which is studied as an additional, complementary, or substitute part of the audiovisual medium, and specifically of its effective and satisfactory implementation in a universal, volatile, and "McDonalized" [1] context such as that of the music industry. In order to meet these requirements, the work is based on the development of a four-minute three-dimensional proposal, which takes the structure and rhythm of the contemporary music video to offer a music video game of similar characteristics, but which finds in its interactive nature new excuses to emotionally involve the player with the message, the sound and the lyrics of the song, making use of several resources of the audiovisual language (transitions, photography, symbolisms), and building a concrete interactive experience in its duration and message but in constant change whose mechanics mutate and adapt progressively to what it wants to convey

    Brideshead Revisited, de Evelyn Waugh: Lugares de Memoria y Tradición

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    In this article, it is my intention to analyse two theoretical notions related to space, namely Pierre Nora’s idea of the site of memory and Gaston Bachelard’s thoughts on space and the house, as applied to Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited (1945). I base my analysis on the symbolic value of the English country house with regard to the interwar English aristocracy and upper classes as depicted in this novel; that is, as a site of memory. I consider the point of view of three characters: Charles Ryder, the novel’s first-person narrator, Lord Sebastian Flyte, Ryder’s intimate friend, and Lord Marchmain, Sebastian’s father, who triggers the novel’s sudden and unexpected ending through his deathbed conversion to Roman Catholicism, his family’s creed. My conclusion links the decline of aristocratic and Christian ideals with the disappearance of communities of memory and their traditions after the Second World War.En el presente artículo, analizaré dos nociones teóricas relacionadas con el espacio, a saber, la idea de lugar de memoria de Pierre Nora y el pensamiento de Gaston Bachelard sobre el espacio y la casa, en su aplicación a Brideshead Revisited (1945), de Evelyn Waugh. Basaré mi análisis en el valor simbólico de la gran mansión de campo inglesa en relación con la aristocracia y las clases altas de la Inglaterra de entreguerras según es descrita en esta novela: esto es, como un lugar de memoria. Haré esto desde la perspectiva de tres personajes: Charles Ryder, el narrador en primera persona, Lord Sebastian Flyte, amigo íntimo de Ryder, y Lord Marchmain, padre de Sebastian y causante del rápido e inesperado final de la novela mediante su conversión, en su lecho de muerte, al credo de su familia: el catolicismo. Llegaré a una conclusión que vincula el declive de los ideales aristocráticos y cristianos con la desaparición de comunidades y tradiciones de memoria tras de la Segunda Guerra Mundial

    Urbanismo y arquitectura popular en Cádiz

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    En número dedicado a: Cádi

    Luis Buñuel: trascendiendo el tópico

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    En 1.900 nace el cineasta Luis Buñuel en Calanda, Aragón. En el año 2.000 se celebra en distintos ámbitos cinematográficos y televisivos de todo el mundo el centenario de su nacimiento. Festivales de cine, cadenas de televisión por satélite u onda hertziana, periódicos y revistas se hacen eco de la enorme trascendencia del lenguaje cinematográfico buñueliano. Este estudio sobre la última de sus películas rodada en Andalucía, concretamente en Sevilla, pretende aportar un nuevo análisis sobre esta obra que trascendió el tópico andaluz.In 1900 the film director Luis Buñuel is born in Calanda, Aragón. In 2000, it took place the centennial of his birth in different film and television environments in all over the world. The transcendency of film languaje used by Buñuel has been anlysed in cinema festivals, television, newspapers and magazines. This study, focus on his last movies filmed in Andalusia, concretely in Seville, it seeks to contribute with a new analysis on this work that transcended the Andalusian topic

    PVT-Robust CMOS Programmable Chaotic Oscillator: Synchronization of Two 7-Scroll Attractors

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    Designing chaotic oscillators using complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit technology for generating multi-scroll attractors has been a challenge. That way, we introduce a current-mode piecewise-linear (PWL) function based on CMOS cells that allow programmable generation of 2–7-scroll chaotic attractors. The mathematical model of the chaotic oscillator designed herein has four coefficients and a PWL function, which can be varied to provide a high value of the maximum Lyapunov exponent. The coefficients are implemented electronically by designing operational transconductance amplifiers that allow programmability of their transconductances. Design simulations of the chaotic oscillator are provided for the 0.35μ m CMOS technology. Post-layout and process–voltage–temperature (PVT) variation simulations demonstrate robustness of the multi-scroll chaotic attractors. Finally, we highlight the synchronization of two seven-scroll attractors in a master–slave topology by generalized Hamiltonian forms and observer approach. Simulation results show that the synchronized CMOS chaotic oscillators are robust to PVT variations and are suitable for chaotic secure communication applications.Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala CACyPI-UATx-2017Program to Strengthen Quality in Educational Institutions C/PFCE-2016-29MSU0013Y-07-23National Council for Science and Technology 237991 22284

    Pathological element-based active device models and their application to symbolic analysis

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    This paper proposes new pathological element-based active device models which can be used in analysis tasks of linear(ized) analog circuits. Nullators and norators along with the voltage mirror-current mirror (VM-CM) pair (collectively known as pathological elements) are used to model the behavior of active devices in voltage-, current-, and mixed-mode, also considering parasitic elements. Since analog circuits are transformed to nullor-based equivalent circuits or VM-CM pairs or as a combination of both, standard nodal analysis can be used to formulate the admittance matrix. We present a formulation method in order to build the nodal admittance (NA) matrix of nullor-equivalent circuits, where the order of the matrix is given by the number of nodes minus the number of nullors. Since pathological elements are used to model the behavior of active devices, we introduce a more efficient formulation method in order to compute small-signal characteristics of pathological element-based equivalent circuits, where the order of the NA matrix is given by the number of nodes minus the number of pathological elements. Examples are discussed in order to illustrate the potential of the proposed pathological element-based active device models and the new formulation method in performing symbolic analysis of analog circuits. The improved formulation method is compared with traditional formulation methods, showing that the NA matrix is more compact and the generation of nonzero coefficients is reduced. As a consequence, the proposed formulation method is the most efficient one reported so far, since the CPU time and memory consumption is reduced when recursive determinant-expansion techniques are used to solve the NA matrix.Promep-Mexico UATLX-PTC-088Junta de Andalucía TIC-2532Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-67247, TEC2010-14825UC-MEXUS-CONACyT CN-09-31

    Digital Implementation of SISC Fuzzy Controllers

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    A classification of inference systems based on approximate reasoning techniques is proposed. An alternative realization method is described for the particular SISC case, which enables reducing the silicon area and increasing the operation speed, making it especially appropriate for real time control applications

    Objetivos financieros y deportivos en la eficiencia del fútbol europeo

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es medir la eficiencia de los principales equipos europeos considerando los objetivos financieros y deportivos, por lo que se utilizan el beneficio y el coeficiente UEFA como outputs. Un modelo alternativo es presentado bajo la premisa de la maximización de los resultados deportivos y la minimización de las pérdidas financieras. Los resultados muestran un amplio margen de mejora, especialmente en la gestión financiera.The goal of this study is to measure the efficiency of the major European football teams under financial and win objectives using profits and UEFA coefficient as outputs. An alternative model is presented maximizing wins and minimizing financial losses. Results show much room for improvement, especially in financial management

    Detection of replay attacks in CPSs using observer-based signature compensation

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a replay attack detection method that addresses the performance loss of watermarking-based approaches. The proposed method injects a sinusoidal signal that affects a subset, chosen at random, of the system outputs. The presence of the signal in each one of the outputs is estimated by means of independent observers and its effect is compensated in the control loop. When a system output is affected by a replay attack, the loss of feedback of the associated observer destabilizes the signal estimation, leading to an exponential increase of the estimation error up to a threshold, above which the estimated signal compensation in the control loop is disabled. This event triggers the detection of a replay attack over the output corresponding to the disrupted observer. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated using results obtained with a quadruple-tank system simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft